Refereed Publications
Caraco, N., J. E. Bauer, J. J. Cole, S. Petsch and P. Raymond (2010). Millennial-aged organic carbon subsidies to a modern river food web. Ecology 91: 2385-2393.
Raymond, P. A. and J. E. Saiers (2010). Event controlled DOC export from forested watersheds. Biogeochemistry DOI: 10.1007/s10533-010-9416-7.
Barnes, R. T. and P. A. Raymond (2009). The contribution of agricultrual and urban activities to inorganic carbon fluxes within temperate watersheds. Chem. Geol. 266: 327-336.
Crump, B. C., B. J. Peterson, P. A. Raymond, R. M. W. Amon, A. Rinehart, J. W. McClelland and R. M. Holmes (2009). Circumpolar synchrony in big river bacterioplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0906149106. 106: 21208-21212.
Griffith, D.R., R.T. Barnes, and P.A. Raymond, 2009. Inputs of fossil carbon from wastewater treatment plants to U.S. rivers and oceans. Environ. Sci. Technol. In press.
Raymond, P.A, N-H Oh, 2009. Long term changes of chemical weathering products in rivers heavily impacted from acid mine drainage: Insights on the impacts of coal mining on regional and global carbon and sulfur budgets. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press.
Raymond, P.A, N-H Oh, R.E. Turner, W Broussard, 2008. Anthropogenically enhanced fluxes of water and carbon from the Mississippi River. Nature, 451 449-452.
Cooper, L. W., J. W. McClelland, R. M. Holmes, P. A. Raymond, J. J. Gibson, C. K. Guay, and B. J. Peterson. 2008. Flow-weighted values of runoff tracers (d18O, DOC, Ba, alkalinity) from the six largest Arctic rivers . Geophysical Research Letters 35, L18606, doi:10.1029/2008GL035007.
Holmes, R. M., J. W. McClelland, P. A. Raymond, B. B. Frazer, B. J. Peterson, and M. Stieglitz. 2008. Lability of DOC transported by Alaskan rivers to the Arctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 35, L03402, doi:10.1029/2007GL032837.
Barnes, R.T., P.A. Raymond, & K.L. Casciotti. 2008. Dual isotope analyses indicate efficient processing of atmospheric nitrate by forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. Biogeochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-009-9227-2.
McGillis, W.R., J.W.H Dacey, J.D. Ware, D.T. Ho, J.T. Bent, W.E. Asher, C.J. Zappa, P.A. Raymond, R. Wanninkhof, S. Komori. 2007. Air-water flux reconciliation between the atmospheric CO2 profile and mass balance techniques. C.S. Garbe, R.A Handler, B. Jahne (editors). in Transport at the air-sea interface: Measurements, models and parameterizations. Springer Verlag
Raymond, P.A., J. W. McClelland, R. M. Holmes, A. V Zhulidov, K. Mull, B. J. Peterson, R. G. Striegl, G. R Aiken, T. Y. Gurtovaya. 2007. The flux and age of DOC exported to the Arctic Ocean: A carbon isotopic study of the five larges arctic rivers. Global Biogeochem. Cycl., 21, GB4011, doi:10.1029/2007GB002934
Longworth, B.E., S.T. Petsch, P.A. Raymond, J.E. Bauer. 2007. Linking lithology and land-use to sources of dissolved and particulate organic matter in headwaters of a temperate, passive-margin river system. Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta, 71, 4233-4250
Butman D., P. A. Raymond, N-H Oh, K. Mull. 2007. Desorption and remineralization potential of soil organic carbon in freshwater and marine systems. Org. Geochem. 38, 1547-1557
Zappa, C.J., W.R. McGillis, P. A. Raymond, J. B. Edson, E. J. Hintsa, H. J. Zemmelink, J. W. Dacy, D. T Ho. 2007. Environmental turbulent mixing controls on air-water gas exchange in marine and aquatic systems. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L10601, doi:10.1029/2006GL028790
Raymond P.A., N-H. Oh. 2007. An empirical study of climatic controls on riverine carbon export from 3 major United States watersheds. Global Biogeochem. Cycl. 21, GB2022, doi:1029/2006GB002783
Striegl, R.G., M. M. Dornblaser, G. R. Aiken, K. P. Wickland, P. A. Raymond. 2007. Carbon export and cycling by the Yukon, Tanana and Porcupine Rivers, Alaska, 2001-2005. Water. Resour. Res. 43, W02411, doi:10.1029/2006WR005201.
Oh N-H, P. A. Raymond. 2006. Contribution of agricultural liming to riverine bicarbonate export and CO2 sequestration in the Ohio River basin. Global Biogeochem. Cycl. 20:GB3012
Raymond, P.A. 2005. The Composition and Transport of Organic Carbon in Rainfall: Insights from the Natural (13C and 14C) Isotopes of Carbon. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32:L14402
Striegl, R.G., G.R. Aiken, M.M Dornblaser, P.A. Raymond, K.P. Wickland. 2005. A decrease in the discharge normalized DOC export by the Yukon River during summer through autumn. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32:L21413
Cooper L., R. Benner, J. McClelland, R. Holmes, B. Peterson, P.A. Raymond, D. Hansell, J. M. Grebmeier, L.A., Codospoti. 2005. Linkages among runoff, dissolved organic carbon, and the stable oxygen isotope composition of seawater and other water mass indicators in the Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 110:G02013
Raymond, P.A., Bauer, J.E., Caraco, N.F., Cole, J.J., Longworth, B. and Petsch, S.T., 2004. Controls on the variability of organic matter and dissolved inorganic carbon ages in northeast US rivers. Marine Chemistry, 92 353-366.
Raymond, P.A. and Cole, J.J., 2003. Increase in the export of alkalinity from North America's largest river. Science, 301 88-91.
Raymond, P.A. and Hopkinson, C.S., 2003. Ecosystem modulation of dissolved carbon age in a temperate marsh-dominated estuary. Ecosystems, 6 694-705.
Zappa, C.J., Raymond, P.A., Terray, E.A. and McGillis, W.R., 2003. Variation in surface turbulence and the gas transfer velocity over a tidal cycle in a macro-tidal estuary. Estuaries, 26 1401-1415.
Raymond, P.A. and Bauer, J.E., 2001a. DOC cycling in a temperate estuary: A mass balance approach using natural C-14 and C-13 isotopes. Limnology and Oceanography, 46 655-667.
Raymond, P.A. and Bauer, J.E., 2001b. Riverine export of aged terrestrial organic matter to the North Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 409 497-500.
Raymond, P.A. and Bauer, J.E., 2001c. Use of C-14 and C-13 natural abundances for evaluating riverine, estuarine, and coastal DOC and POC sources and cycling: a review and synthesis. Organic Geochemistry, 32 469-485.
Raymond, P.A. and Cole, J.J., 2001. Gas exchange in rivers and estuaries: Choosing a gas transfer velocity. Estuaries, 24 312-317.
Ducklow, HW, GL. Schultz, P. Raymond, J Bauer and F-K Shiah. 2000. "Bacterial and DOM dynamics in large and small estuaries." Pp 105-112 In: CR. Bell, M. Brylinsky and P. Johnson-Green, Eds, Microbial Biosystems-New Frontiers. Proc. 8th Int'l Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Atlantic Canada Society for Microbial Ecology: Halifax NS. 939pg
Raymond, P.A. and Bauer, J.E., 2000. Bacterial consumption of DOC during transport through a temperate estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 22 1-12.
Raymond, P.A., Bauer, J.E. and Cole, J.J., 2000. Atmospheric CO2 evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon production, and net heterotrophy in the York River estuary. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 1707-1717.
Raymond, P.A., Caraco, N.F. and Cole, J.J., 1997. Carbon dioxide concentration and atmospheric flux in the Hudson River. Estuaries, 20 381-390.
Caraco, N.F., Cole, J.J., Raymond, P.A., Strayer, D.L., Pace, M.L., Findlay, S.E.G. and Fischer, D.T., 1997. Zebra mussel invasion in a large, turbid river: Phytoplankton response to increased grazing. Ecology, 78 588-602.
Raymond P.A., J.J. Cole. 1994. The use of direct carbon dioxide measurements on the Hudson River Estuary. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, 1993. Section I
Non-Refereed Publications
Raymond, P.A., 2005. The Age of the Amazon's Breath. Nature, 436 469-470.
Raymond, P. and Cole, J., 2003. Response to "Alkalinity Export and Carbon Balance". Science, 302 985.
Raymond, P. and Cole, J., 2003. Response to Comment on "Increased Alkalinity in the Mississippi". Science, 302 985-987.